Report: Online Round Table "European Democracy under Threat: How to Make EU Democracy Resilient against Internal and External Challenges"
Also this year and for the third time, Julia Çetinkaya (Jean Monnet Chair IMUDE, OvGU), with Julian Plottka (Universities of Bonn and Passau) and in cooperation with the Union of European Federalists, the Spinelli Group in the European Parliament and the Universities of Flensburg, Frankfurt (Oder), Innsbruck, Paderborn and Vienna organized the "Online Round Table on European Democracy 2023" on 20 June 2023, 18:30 - 20:00.
Julia Çetinkaya (OvGU Magdeburg), student Moderator Federico Campatelli (OvGU Magdeburg), student moderator Marei Zizelmann (Universität Passau), Dr. Maria Skóra (Institut für Europäische Politik in Berlin), Christian Moos (Secretary General of the Europa-Union Deutschland) and Jurgis Vilčinskas (Head of Strategic Communication of the European External Action Service).
Students from all over Europe exchanged views with the invited representatives and experts in the EU on the topic of "The resilience of European democracy". The "Online Round Table on European Democracy 2023" addressed, among other things, the "other democratic deficit of the EU". How resilient is the EU to internal and external threats that seek to undermine European democracy and cohesion in the EU? How can the EU defend its democratic values and norms such as the rule of law? How can it arm itself against attacks from European populists and autocrats inside and outside the EU? The online round table was moderated by Marei Zizelmann, a student of political science at the University of Passau, and Federico Campatelli, a student of European Studies at the University of Magdeburg.
A detailed event report can be foundhere.