Report: talking with the author Jürgen Neyer:: "Europa im Unfrieden. Soziale Konflikte und politische Umwälzungen in der europäischen Geschichte und Gegenwart"

On 10 May 2023, the Institute for European Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) hosted the talk with the book author Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer: "Europa im Unfrieden. Social Conflicts and Political Upheavals in European History and the Present".
Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder, head of the Chair of Multilevel Governance in Europe at Otto-von-Guericke University, took part in the discussion together with Prof. Dr. Michael Minkenberg, head of the Chair of Comparative Politics at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), and Prof. Dr. Claudia Weber, head of the Chair of Modern European History at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). The author, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer, presented the thesis explained in his book. The political scientist claims that there is a pattern when political systems fall into crisis and thus an explanation for the success of populism, increasing nationalism and phenomena such as the Brexit, all in all: for crisis of the European Union. However, his thesis was disputed in the discussion.

Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder considers the "exciting and entertaining", however disagrees with the starting point of Neyer's book, the diagnosis of an imminent disintegration and a deep crisis of the European Union. Using the Brexit as an example, the head of the Jean Monnet Chair at the OvGU explained: "that 27 other states, not all of which were big EU supporters, agreed in a matter of days, if not hours, that it was worth remaining in the European Union; and there are no further signs that other member states will follow the British example."
You can read this and more about the conversation with book author Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) here.

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