SAVE THE DATE: Academic evening "Demokratie unter Druck. Wie gehen wir mit dem Erstarken der AfD um?" on November 1st
On November 01, 2023, a keynote speech and a panel discussion (in German) will discuss how to deal with the AfD and its growth as well as the impact on our democracy.
After an input by Prof. Dr. Matthias Quent, Lena Lehmann from Miteinander e.V. will moderate the discussion. Speakers from church, politics and science will be involved:
Andreas Brohm (Mayor of Tangerhütte, non-party).
Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder (political scientist, Otto von Guericke University)
Katharina Passolt (Regional Church Office EKM, working group on right-wing extremism)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Quent (Institute for Democratic Culture, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences)
Stephen Gerhard Stehli (Ministerialrat, MdL CDU)
Venue: Gemeindesaal Neustädter Straße 6
Time: 19:15 - 21:00
For more information about the event, please click here.