Study '30 Jahre Europaministerkonferenz: Handlungsoptionen und Visionen für die Zukunft'
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the European Ministers' Conference (EMC), the Hamburg-Vigoni Forum, in cooperation with the Jean Monnet ChairIMUDE at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, is publishing the study "30 Years of the European Ministers' Conference - Options for Action and Visions for the Future". The policy paper analyses the impact and work of the EMF over the last three decades. The guiding questions are what role the EMK has taken on, how it fulfils this role and to what extent the requirement profile has changed over the decades. In terms of application, the focus is above all on the question: What further potential can the EMF exploit in order to actively shape European policy?
You can download and read the study here.