Conference Report: "Erosion der Staatlichkeit" with the participation of Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder

On September 29 and 30 at the conference "Erosion der Staatlichkeit - Funktionsverluste von Demokratie und Bürokratie" (in English: "Erosion of Statehood - Functional losses of democracy and bureaucracy") organized by the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, experts from academia, civil society and politics discussed causes and possible solutions for the loss of function of democratic institutions at the Lake Starnberg.


Photo: Amelie Wimmer


Sven T. Siefken of the Institute for Research on Parliamentarism asked whether coalition negotiations, commissions and informal politics disempower constitutional institutions. The extent to which Europe erodes democracies organized along nation-state lines is the topic of Eva Heidbreder of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Silke Beck from the Technical University of Munich discussed whether technocratic processes and the "power of knowledge" in the fields of corona, climate and energy are devaluing democratic processes. These and many more contributions from academia, civil society and politics generated a interesting, pertinent conference, joining in different perspectives.

More about this conference can be found in the report of the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing.

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