European Studies as a guest at 'einewelt haus' in Magdeburg

On May 17th, students of the European Studies programs were guests at the einewelt haus in Magdeburg. The meeting in the context of the Europe Weeks served as a first round of a Get-to-know project between EUmigra and the EUS study programmes, on the occasion of an intended closer cooperation between them.
Firstly, EUmigra and the EUS study programmes were briefly introduced to those present. Afterwards there was a keynote speech by EUmigra about EU citizens in Saxony-Anhalt. An important part of the meeting was the exploration of cooperation possibilities, e.g. in the form of internships and joint events. This showed that there is a great potential for future cooperation. This first get-to-know round was concluded by a sociable and relaxed exchange over a barbecue snack.
You can read more about the event here.