Prof. Dr. Heidbreder's contribution: 'The Spitzenkandidaten dilemmas: A successful failure? '

The (European) Federalist aims at understanding the chances and prerequisites of a supranational democracy. The blog focuses on current events and debates, whilst analysing aspects of European and global constitutional politics.
In keeping with the aims of the blog, Prof. Dr. Heidbreder's latest contribution deals with the system of Spitzenkandidaten. In an analysis of the last two and only rounds of Spitzenkandidaten, Heidbreder examines the ability of this process to strengthen the democratic voice of EU citizens.

You can read the full article here.


Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this article draws on previous (Heidbreder and Auracher 2015; Heidbreder and Schade 2020a, Heidbreder and Schade 2020b) and forthcoming academic publications (Heidbreder and Schade, "Inter-institutional Conflicts in the Context of Leadership Selection in the Commission", in: M. Ceron, T. Christiansen, D. G. Dimitrakopoulos (eds.): Beyond Top Candidates? The Politicisation of Leadership Selection in the European Union, Palgrave 2023 (forthcoming)).

So you can already gain further insights into the topic and look forward to the forthcoming publication of Prof. Dr. Heidbreder together with Dr Schade!

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