Structure and Content

The Bachelor's Programme in European Studies is structured into compulsory and compulsory elective modules. In the compulsory modules (Pflichtmodule, PM), you will acquire basic knowledge and learn how to apply academic methods. The following list contains the compulsory modules within which you can often choose from a wide range of courses:

  • Introduction to European Studies (PM1)
  • European Societies (PM2)
  • European Multilevel Governance (PM3)
  • Historical Foundations of Europe (PM4)
  • Introduction to Economics (PM5)
  • Intercultural Competence (PM6)
  • Quantitative Methods (PM7)
  • Qualitative Methods (PM8)

 In addition, language training is an integral part of the programme (PM11 & PM12). You can find more information on language courses HERE. The programme also includes a compulsory semester abroad and a compulsory internship. Further information on the semester abroad can be found HERE and on the internship HERE.


In the compulsory elective modules (Wahlpflichtmodule), you set your individual focus:

  • In compulsory elective module 1 (WPM1), students choose from the courses on offer from the broad spectrum of social sciences and economics.
  • The compulsory elective module 2 (WPM2) offers a wide range of specialisations in political science and sociology.


The module handbook (in German) provides a more detailed overview of the modules. (Please be aware that the module handbook from winter semester 2024/25 is currently being updated and will be made available via the link during summer 2024) The new examination regulations (in German) for students starting in the winter semester 2024/25 have already been published and also provide an initial overview of the programme's structure and modules.

For students who are already enrolled, detailed information on the internship, language skills and the semester abroad can be found on EUS-Komm.


Qualifications and career options

Graduates of our European Studies bachelor programme are prepared to work in fields in which profound knowledge of social processes and political developments in the context of European culture and economy. The economic part of the programme prepares our students additionally for working in the free market economy.

Working fields and branches of business:

  • Public service at different government levels
  • Agencies and subsidiary authorities
  • Interest groups in the private sector or in civil society organizations
  • Associations ad organizations (Europe-related, cross-border tasks)
  • Consultancy Service Providers
  • Media (Print, Broadcast, Digital)
  • Cultural Institutions
  • Culture and event management

Last Modification: 03.07.2024 - Contact Person: