Next Generation EU Research Series: New Insights into the Polity, Politics and Policies of the European Union

The lecture series Next Generation EU-Research Series: New Insights into the Polity, Politics and Policies of the European Union, took place in the winter semester 2023/24. Kugelmeier López incorporated the lecture series into her teaching and was responsible for the moderation of the lecture series.

The lecture series was held in an innovative format that assembled PhD and early postdoctoral students from across Europe to meet, at least, three key objectives: offer a platform for teaching and learning about the latest research in EU scholarship, offering upcoming scholars a room to showcase and publicise their cutting-edge research, and building networks among these scholars to sustainably advance the field. The series was offered in a digital format to allow access for an interested international audience, at the same time it was integrated into the European Studies programmes at the host University, the OVGU. The series is followed up by an author workshop with the contributors that takes place in Magdeburg. All activities are part of the Jean Monnet Chair activities and are co-funded by the European Commission. 


A workshop with the title "Next Generation EU Research" was held on 2. and 3. May 2024 with topics including  climate change, voting behavior and gender policy. Here you can find mire information about the workshop.


09 October 2023

Understanding the complexity of EU crises – moving forward in a dialogue between EU studies and critical constructivist norm research

Johanna Speyer, PhD Candidate, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) & Nils Stockmann, PhD Candidate, Osnabrück University (Germany)

16 October 2023

Bottom-up approaches to climate change – strategic litigation as a tool of the European civil society to push for stronger climate action?

Dr. Manuela Niehaus, Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer (Germany)

23 October 2023

The Europeanization of post-communist administrations: The Commission as a driver? A case-study of the European Commission’s efforts to support administrative reform in Romania, Serbia and Moldova between 2000-2020

Claudia Badulescu, PhD Candidate, European University Institute (Italy)

30 October 2023

Governing between discipline and discretion in Europe’s economic governance

Dr. David Bokhorst, European University Institute & Dr. Francesco Corti, European University Institute (Italy)

13 November 2023

The use of EU soft law in national courts: Evidence from France and Germany

Adam Eick, PhD Candidate, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany)

20 November 2023

The Rule of Law Crisis in the Member States of Hungary and Poland and the European Response to it

Niels Kirst, PhD Candidate, Dublin City University (Ireland)

27 November 2023

Who cares about democracy?: Exploring the role of public pressure behind the EU's changing policy on democratic backsliding and the Rule of Law

Kata Moravecz, PhD Candidate, Central European University (Austria)

04 December 2023

From Changing Times to Changing Communities: Communities of Practices in Cultural Diplomacy in the South Caucasus Region

Szilvia Nagy, PhD Candidate, Central European University (Austria)

11 December 2023

Accelerating the green transition: Governance through funding and the RePowerEU instrument

Dr. Lucas Schramm, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany) & Chiara Terranova, PhD Candidate, Europa-University Flensburg (Germany)

18 December 2023

European Administrative Networks in-between audiences: accountability dilemmas in multi-level EU governance

Ana Carolina Soares, PhD Candidate, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

08 January 2024

Walking the line: Conflict and Consensus in the Committees of the European Parliament

Moritz Wiesenthal, PhD Candidate, Europa Universität Viadrina (Germany)

15 January 2024

The European Union Facing Hard Politics: The Origins of EU Strategic Autonomy (1993-2016)

Dr. Enrico Ciappi, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome (Italy)


The lecture series was made accessible to students from other universities. Moreover, all material was made available to students in an e-learning course. Now, in the aftermath of the lecture series, the lecturers will develop scientific papers fitting to their lectures’ content, to be assembled in a joint publication.

Find more information about the lecture programme here.


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