Workshop "Feminismen in der Praxis" with a talk by Alba Kugelmeier López


On October 26, the association Wir sehen hin e.V. and the Grüne Jugend Börde offered a workshop on the topic of feminism. As part of the event, Alba María Kugelmeier López, research associate and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Multilevel Governance in Europe at Otto von Guericke University, talked about feminist theories, gender-based violence and abortion rights in the context of current feminist crises in Europe.

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StreitBar Event "Ist Politik noch attraktiv für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger?", with Dr. Johannes Gerken


On November 7th, 2023, a new edition of the discussion format StreitBar will take place. In this public debate, local politics, political science and political psychology will be represented on the stage of the StreitBar "Ihr da oben, wir da unten - Ist Politik noch attraktiv für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger?" ( (in English: "You up there, us down there - Is politics still attractive to citizens?")

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Conference Report: "Erosion der Staatlichkeit" with the participation of Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder


On September 29 and 30 at the conference "Erosion der Staatlichkeit - Funktionsverluste von Demokratie und Bürokratie" (in English: "Erosion of Statehood - Functional losses of democracy and bureaucracy") organized by the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, experts from academia, civil society and politics discussed causes and possible solutions for the loss of function of democratic institutions at the Lake Starnberg.

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SAVE THE DATE: Academic evening "Demokratie unter Druck. Wie gehen wir mit dem Erstarken der AfD um?" on November 1st


On November 01, 2023, a keynote speech and a panel discussion (in German) will discuss how to deal with the AfD and its growth as well as the impact on our democracy.

 Demokratie unter Druck

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Workshop "Feminisms in practice" in Magdeburg, with Alba Kugelmeier López



On 26 October, 5 p.m.,  the organisation Wir sehen hin e.V. and the Grüne Jugend Börde - offers a workshop around the topic of feminism (in German). During the event, Luna Möbius, an activist, will give insights into different feminist streams and elaborate on queer and materialist feminism. Afterwards, Alba María Kugelmeier López, research assistant and PhD student at the Chair of Multilevel Governance in Europe at the Otto-von-Guericke University, will talk about gender-based violence and abortion rights in the context of current feminist crises in Europe. After the presentations, the participants will have the opportunity to discuss the inputs in small groups and to reflect on different points of view. The groups will compile their results on posters, which will serve as a basis for the concluding discussion. 


The workshop will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the conference room (ground floor) of the library of the Otto-von-Guericke University.

The workshop is free of charge and a registration is not necessary.

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