'Jenseits der gläsernen Decke! Wege zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter', on 23 May 2023 at the university Magdeburg-Stendal - moderated by Professor Dr. Eva Heidbreder
Die Veranstaltung 'Jenseits der gläsernen Decke! Wege zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter', will take place on May 23rd, 2023,19:15 at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, in Magdeburg.
There are still many invisible barriers in universities, as in the church, which is why the diversity of our society is not reflected at the various career levels. This evening will be dedicated to the persisting differences between the sexes. Women systematically earn less and remain underrepresented in leadership positions, even though parity has long been achieved at the undergraduate level. Although the impression is often given that we have already come very far in terms of equality, a closer look still shows how impermeable the "glass ceiling" remains for many women.
What approaches are there to not only break through these ceilings but to eliminate them? What experiences do women and men have with these approaches and what lessons can be learned from them? What concrete measures are being pushed forward at our universities and what remains desirable at our local level? We would like to discuss these questions on the panel and with the audience. (translation of the original text by the University Chaplaincy Magdeburg (ESG)
Afterwards, the audience is invited to a small reception with snacks.
Talk with the book author Jürgen Neyer: „Europa im Unfrieden. Soziale Konflikte und politische Umwälzungen in der europäischen Geschichte und Gegenwart“
On 10 May 2023, the Institute for European Studies will host the talk with the book author Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer: "Europa im Unfrieden. Soziale Konflikte und politische Umwälzungen in der europäischen Geschichte und Gegenwart".
Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder, Chair of Multi-level Governance in Europe at Otto von Guericke University, will take part in the discussion together with Prof. Dr. Michael Minkenberg, Chair of Comparative Political Science at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Prof. Dr. Claudia Weber, Chair of Contemporary European History at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). The discussion will be moderated by Dr. rer. pol. Sonja Priebus, postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
Prof. Dr. Heidbreder's contribution: 'The Spitzenkandidaten dilemmas: A successful failure? '
The (European) Federalist aims at understanding the chances and prerequisites of a supranational democracy. The blog focuses on current events and debates, whilst analysing aspects of European and global constitutional politics.
In keeping with the aims of the blog, Prof. Dr. Heidbreder's latest contribution deals with the system of Spitzenkandidaten. In an analysis of the last two and only rounds of Spitzenkandidaten, Heidbreder examines the ability of this process to strengthen the democratic voice of EU citizens.
You can read the full article here.
Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this article draws on previous (Heidbreder and Auracher 2015; Heidbreder and Schade 2020a, Heidbreder and Schade 2020b) and forthcoming academic publications (Heidbreder and Schade, "Inter-institutional Conflicts in the Context of Leadership Selection in the Commission", in: M. Ceron, T. Christiansen, D. G. Dimitrakopoulos (eds.): Beyond Top Candidates? The Politicisation of Leadership Selection in the European Union, Palgrave 2023 (forthcoming)).
So you can already gain further insights into the topic and look forward to the forthcoming publication of Prof. Dr. Heidbreder together with Dr Schade!
Call for Speakers PhD and Post Doc - Next Generation EU-Research Lecture Series
The Jean Monnet Chair on Interactive Multi-level Democracy in Europe (IMUDE) at the Otto-von-Guericke University proposes a new format to engage with upcoming research in EU studies. We are looking for PhDs and Postdocs in political science or closely related fields who focus on the European Union’s polity, politics and policies in order to present cutting-edge EU research in a virtual lecture series, followed by an author workshop in Magdeburg with all lectures of the series. The lecture series Next Generation EU-Research Series: New Insights into the Polity, Politics and Policies of the European Union thus aims to share innovative, current research in European studies.
We invite applications from PhD students and Postdocs who are advanced enough to present their findings. The lecture series is to offer a platform for you to present your work and connect with peers – and to offer these insights to a wider audience.
The lecture will be held online between October 2023 and January 2024 and the author workshop in Magdeburg is planned for early March 2024.
Find out more and how to apply here.
European Studies will be at the Master Days 2023
Between the 24th and 25th of April, OvGU will be hosting the Master Days 2023.
The event offers all those interested in Master's degrees the opportunity to ask questions and find out about the various Master's degree programmes at Otto-von Guericke University in Magdeburg. The Master's programme European Studies will also be presented online at the fair!
The Master's programme in European Studies will be presented online, on 24 April from 2 pm.
Living in times of crisis and change, our master's degree in European Studies helps you to analyse, evaluate and influence the policymaking process of the European Union. Our interdisciplinary lens focuses on a political, sociological and economic or cultural perspective. It puts special emphasis on key analytical skills and the self-organised application of academic and soft skills. Graduates work in national, European or international administrations, companies, foundations, NGOs and associations – or pursue further academic qualifications. The MA is open to students with different prior qualifications - in social sciences, economics and/or cultural studies - in two, alternative tracks with different requirements and focal points.
Think critically about today's challenges and develop practical solutions with us in Magdeburg.
To join our presentation:
Link to the Zoom-Meeting: https://ovgu.zoom.us/j/2136609107
Meeting-ID: 213 660 9107
Password: 373210
All prospective students are cordially invited! Here you can view the programme of the Master Days 2023 and also register.